Sunday, November 28, 2010


me, oh my name is Kennedy, I'm about 5"2, and at the moment, nine years old. I'm really tall for my age, anyway. i have brown hair and eyes, here's a picture.


My, best friend in the whole world, my dog Rube. The owner of the house we're renting right now, wouldn't let us keep our dog while we're in the house that we're renting right now. so we had to look for some one to take her while we're living here. None of our family would take her. So we still had one choice, there was a person, the people who had Rube's dad. There was nothinfg else we could do. I guess it kinda' worked out becuase rube's dad died, so his owner was sad, but technically she's still our dog. But still, we might not get her back :(


happy Thanksgiving! this year we hosted thanksgiving at our house, we had my mom's side of the family over, it was a little cramped, but still fun. oh, i forgot to mention that we're renting a house on the beach! it's very beautiful. and, it's right next to silver lake, up north, still in Michigan though! well, anyway my little brother Hayden had looked forward to thanksgiving, since two months before, because He wanted to have a turkey bowl. (football game.) and of course it had to be freezing out and one of the windiest days on the lake shore! and of course, my team didn't even win. so we didn't even get the satisfaction of a victory :(.